In “The Color of success” writer Ellen Wu explains the role of the media in shaping the current perception of Asian Americans as the model minority of upstanding citizens capable of quietly assimilating to the mainstream culture. Interesting article on how to shape a...
In the U.S., immigrants are twice as likely to become entrepreneurs as native-born U.S. citizens. This Harvard Business Review article argues that being exposed to cross cultural experiences may be an explanation. This is another strong argument in support of...
WIRED offers an impassionate look at illegal immigration by the numbers. The reality contradicts the rhetoric. Yes, Illegals do not have a legal status in the country but they are not the source of roaring crime and terror. The country needs a smart immigration...
Remember the cute 2013 Cheerios commercial featuring a mix family, and the polarizing social media commentary that it generated? General Mills stood firm following up with another execution, and years later enforcing diversity in all of its vendors. Mix-raced families...