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The Latino effect on economic growth

During the next few years, millions of American-born Hispanic millennials will turn 18. They are more educated and skilled than their immigrant parents and will have a positive impact on the economy. But what will their impact be on American culture as they become 41%...

Six-in-ten U.S. Hispanics are Millennials or younger

By now you’ve realized that we are excited about Latinx. 🙂 But our excitement is supported by facts. They are the youngest group in the country: Almost 18 million of them are under the age of 18. If you believe, like we do, that youth is energy, Latinx will be...

Richard Nixon and the Invention of Hispanics

Thinking of Hispanics as a single demographic group is a creation of Washington. It was first used on the Census ballot of 1970, to classify everyone south of the Rio Grande. “Hispanic” is a label that exists only in the context of the United States and it severely...